Start Your Levelling Up Journey: 5 Steps to Becoming a High-Value Woman

First of all, congratulations on choosing to start the journey to a better you – the woman who has levelled up and is living her dream life!

As with any life change, you may feel overwhelmed or disheartened and wonder whether it’ll all be worth it in the end. 

Trust me, it’ll all be worth it! 

If you’re ready to start your levelling up journey but just need some guidance on how and where to start, follow the steps below to achieve your goals and become a high value woman. 

Step 1: Know your why

I talked a lot about digging deep into why you may want to level up and become a high value woman in this post, so if you haven’t read it yet, open it in a new tab and read it next!

To know your why, you need to ask yourself “why do you want to start your level up journey, what do you want to accomplish and how will this make you feel?”  

The deeper you can go to answer these questions, the more likely you are to see the journey through and enjoy all of the rewards at the end. 

You may want the full luxury life, including jets, billionaire partners and lavish holidays.  Equally, a minimalistic lifestyle filled with little luxuries and the ability to live on your own terms, might be more suited to you.  

You can have whichever you choose, but you need to know why you’re going to start on this journey and what your goals are, as it won’t always be easy.

To truly level up and live your dream life, it won’t always be a smooth and easy process.  It will require you to learn new things, address any limiting beliefs, and in some cases, it’ll feel like you need to change everything around and about you. 

Step 2: Mindset is key

Most women who start their journey to become a woman who is classy, elegant and feminine, believe all they need to change is their appearance.  They believe that with a new hair cut and a fresh wardrobe that they’ll suddenly turn into the high value woman they’ve always wanted to be. 

This actually couldn’t be further from the truth. I know, I tried.  The truth is, there is no shortcut or magic outfit that will immediately transform you into a high-value woman. 

Your mindset actually plays an important role in allowing you to level up. After all, the only person who can help or hinder you, is YOU! 

Changing or adapting your mindset isn’t an overnight fix and for some issues, for instance, self-esteem, confidence or even self-worth, it can take months or years to fully overcome.  

This is why it’s important to start working on your mindset from the very beginning and push through any internal struggles you may have. 

 Perhaps you believe you don’t deserve to live a life filled with luxury and happiness, or maybe you think you’re not able to change because of your life experiences so far. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s simply not true. 

You deserve a life filled with luxury, happiness and everything you desire! 

If you’re serious about your level up journey and are willing to do the personal development work that goes with it, you’re already half way there!

Let’s get started.

Step 3: Expand on your knowledge

If you want to enter the high society and rub shoulders with the elite, it’s likely at some point you’ll have to speak to them.

To truly level up, this also extends to your conversations.  This doesn’t mean that all conversations need to be boring and only discuss politics or business.  Actually, quite the opposite, only speaking about business, money, politics or religion can give the wrong impression and even be seen as rude and impolite. 

Read or watch the news so you at least have a basic grasp of current affairs.  Outside of this, educate yourself of topics that high society (and yourself) should be interested in.  This can be classic literature books, sports, art or upcoming designers. 

Step 4: Work on your etiquette 

Wherever you are on your level up journey, manners and etiquette will always be important.  

Your goal should be to refine your skills so that whether you are entertaining or being entertained you know how to properly act at all occasions, from how to correctly use cutlery to how to elegantly get out of a car. 

This is one area that really cannot be faked.  Sure you can buy an expensive outfit or have a professional style you to trick everyone into thinking your elegant and high-value, but you either have manners and etiquette, or you don’t.  

Step 5: Create your plan

I know you might be thinking that it seems a little off ‘creating a plan’ as the last step, but I truly believe that until you know why you’re starting your level up journey, have started to address any mindset shifts you need to make and have brushed up on your manners and etiquette, you can’t really advance. 

However, once you have begun to put the above steps in place, you can address and work on all the other areas which may need a bit more refinement. 

Your plan to level up should include all areas of your life.  For each area ask yourself (and note down in your your favorite book) what your ultimate goal is for;

  1. Your appearance
  2. Personal finances
  3. Career / business
  4. Health and fitness
  5. Personal circumstances i.e. home / location where you live 
  6. Personal relationships including family, friends, partner
  7. Hobbies and pastimes (i.e. where you hang out on a Friday night or how you spend your days off) 

Once you know your perfect scenario for each area, you’ll be able to use this as a framework to see where any changes are needed and what your next step will be. 

Finding yourself going through that period of life where things just seem unfixable and unchangeable is simply a devastating part of the journey that we must somehow overcome. 

It can be quite the task to bounce back from negative situations and prevent the memories from negatively impacting our present chapter, which is why Improving the way we live our daily lives and building up our characters, is so essential. 

#1 Enjoy Silence 

So in this blogpost, I’ve decided to gather a few great ways you can ultimately become the best version of yourself and start romanticizing your life after facing tough challenges. 

I have always found it pretty interesting how the way you portray yourself affects the way others view you and your overall character. 

The way that you dress, the things you’ve achieved, the places you choose to go and the way you speak, all result in a subconscious image being formed inside the minds of people you have encountered. 

Appreciating silence and having a quiet spirit does open your eyes and ears to those small, tiny details occurring around you. 

You begin to know yourself on an entirely different level, setting boundaries for yourself and for others to follow. 

Doing this can sometimes leave people confused and puzzled because your silence and your joy for silence are often mistaken for shyness, perhaps being seen as too serious, and unapproachable. 

#2 Not Everything Has To Be So Fast Pace

Living every day as if it was your last doesn’t necessarily mean doing everything under the sun and filling up your today list with a bucket load of activities you’ve always wanted to do. 

Sometimes, living your life to its fullest is about being purposeful, yet not being extremely strict with the way you use the time you have. 

Slowing down and taking foot-size or even baby-size steps to accomplish something specific not only drastically help you in reaching your fullest potential, but also makes you appreciate the goodness of life even more. 

Stress, comparison, and jealousy have a direct way of stealing your joy and your ability to experience joy and sprinkle joy onto others. 

Stay in your lane, look ahead rather than side to side or behind you, and learn to take things one step at a time because one way or another, your time will come.

#3 You Don’t Have To Constantly Fake It Till You Make It

I find that faking your confidence in a new, temporary environment works better and is quite effective rather than faking your confidence in an environment that requires regular attendance from you such as your school and workplace. 

I just personally feel that faking your confidence at semi long-term places, such as high school or even university, can trick you into thinking that you’ve become confident overall when the truth is that you’ve just learned to adapt to that particular environment very well. 

When you finally graduate and switch environments, you might possibly find yourself lacking the confidence and self-esteem you’ve previously obtained, meaning that you’ll have to start all over from scratch, spending so much time becoming secure and adapting to that new environment. 

A better thing to do is to learn true confidence, find comfort in yourself, and frequently go to places by yourself. 

Start with the library then maybe a bowling club. 

It’s definitely better to fake confidence in a place that you won’t be present for too long like when it comes to grocery shopping or a bus ride. 

This is because faking confidence long term could make you feel even more self-conscious, uncomfortable, and simply out of your element. 

Learn true confidence!

4 Don’t You Dare Start Neglecting The Things You  Love

It’s always good to take a break. 

And a good thought-out break will leave you feeling fully refreshed, motivated and structured. 

Taking some well-needed time off shouldn’t exactly turn you away from your goals or make you lose interest in your hobbies. 

It should give you rest and make you feel prepared to tackle those tasks again.

Neglecting hobbies such as playing the piano, writing, and singing in order to prioritize studying for exams has left me feeling quite drained out and pretty unhappy, to say the least. 

Currently, I’ve been really trying to find a healthy balance between the two. 

Just 5 Simple Things To Start Romanticising Your Life:

Know yourself. Because in order to truly romanticize, prioritize and bounce back with grace, you need to truly understand what makes you, you and understand the complex details of your character. 

  1. Build a morning routine that will reflect your mood for the rest of the days
  2. Start Journaling. It doesn’t have to be a literary masterpiece 🙂 My personal journal is mostly filled up with lists and colours. 
  3. Create a playlist to accompany you through most of the day (cleaning playlist, travelling playlist, morning playlist,  night routine playlist etc.)

Well, That’s It, Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I really hope that you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to subscribe down below for more posts on lifestyle  beauty. Tell me what you think in the comments below. See ya 🙂

What does glow up mean? 

To glow up, also referred to as ‘glo up’, means to complete a transformation of your appearance for the better. This includes a person, especially a woman’s hairstyle, makeup, and clothes.

To glow up means to transform yourself from basic to Bombshell. 

Why should you take the opportunity to glow up and improve your appearance overnight? 

To glow up is a fundamental step in improving your life as a woman. After a glow-up, you will look better, be more attractive, and feel like a more confident, feminine, and fabulous woman.

The Bombshell Quick Glow Up Kit Overnight Challenge

Let me set the stage…

You’ve spent the last four days crying over your break up, lamenting your job, or just being lazy — eating pizza every day and binge-watching Netflix.

Eat nutritious food

Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods, including fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean protein can help support your overall health.


drinking plenty of water is important for our body to glow up from the inside, nourishing your body with nutritious food is also going to work on brightening your skin, help you keep a healthy weight, and provide all the nutrients you need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

1. Overnight Moisturizing.

It’s not that you don’t moisturize. It’s that you don’t moisturize enough. if you can’t find a trustworthy brand to smooth things over, you can never go wrong with coconut oil.

2. Level Up With Growth Serums.

So, this one will take a few nights to prove worthy, but if you are determined to compete with the lash goddesses, now is the time to pay your dues.

Treat your brows and lashes with a growth serum before you nod off, and you will never have to go into full-blown panic mode when you manage to misplace your mascara tube again.

But before you bet on a new serum, check to see if it is enriched with peptides, collagen, and biotin, all of which will give you the glamourous look of the century.

And for those ungrateful souls that are already blessed in this department, if you want to stay relevant, you might want to gloss up at least a few times a week.

3. Brush Your Worries Away.

If you have gotten used to chronically dry skin and untimely breakouts, here is a gem that will change your life. Not only does dry brushing feel amazing, but it gets rid of all that dead skin that is stealing your skin’s natural luster.

Dry brushing is one of the most effective exfoliation techniques as flaky patches are easier to reckon with when the skin isn’t slippery.

If your skin is textured or acne-prone, you can expect to see impressive results by morning.

Just be sure to invest in two brushes: one for your face and the other for your body.

4. Show Your Eyes Some Love.

Puffy, dark, and sagging eyes are a sensitive subject for a lot of women, but it doesn’t have to be. A lot of highly-advertised eye creams.

you can make your own concoction using aloe vera, jojoba oil, honey, shea butter, and a ton of other household ingredients that are sure to keep crow’s feet at bay.

Once you have massaged in your healing product of choice, seal the deal by sleeping with a satin eye cover, like the royalty that you are.

No wonder why life’s biggest decisions feels so exhausted. Questions like,” like what do I want from life,” who do I want to be,” and “where should I live”. If you’re not intentional about figuring out what you want in life, it’s easy to
fall into survival mode. You become lost, focusing only on what’s in front of you, which leads to frustration and disillusionment. Character and social values come directly from our family, especially our mothers. This breaks my heart I never had Mother figure in my life, I had to learn everything by myself.
Figuring out what you want in life is so important because it gives you purpose, can influence your career path, and makes life worth living.

It is not as hard as you think to figure out some goals that will take you in the direction you really want to go.

1.what makes you happy?
How do you want to live? Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness isn’t just feeling joyful. Making a list of everything that makes you have is a good to start.

2.what are your needs?
Ask yourself which of your needs are fulfilled and which aren’t. Get to know yourself, which will help you decide what to do next. Get ride of negative people in your life. It does not matter if they are family or not. Does not mean you hate them. It simply means you respect yourself. Believe me I practice this everyday and I have never been so happy and enjoying my own company.

3. What are your personal values?
Remember that values are not the same as goals. Your core values are principles that guide you through life. They can be anything from honesty, integrity, loyalty, freedom and family.

4.what gives you purpose?
Everyone is passionate about something.
Maybe it is self care, working with animals.

5.What activities put you in a flow state?
You have probably heard the phrase “Go with flow” In this case “flow” refers to the joy we feel when we are right where we are meant to be. It means we are focusing on what we are doing we lose track of time.

9. What don’t you want?
Knowing what to avoid can empower you can make better decisions. Think about what drains you mentally and emotionally, makes you sad, or causes pain.

I personally wear the dark jeans multiple times a week this time These are the outfit combos that you can easily wear over and over again, so trust me when I say you’re going to want to commit these to memory. From simple two-piece looks and classic outerwear options to effortless ways to wear the black jeans. Black jeans should be the easiest item to style—they’re classic, neutral, and literally go with everything. But sometimes seeing a little inspiration from others helps, which is why I put together the ultimate “What to Wear with Black Jeans” style guide

Create a tonal look with charcoal jeans, black flats, and a grey sweater. 

Tuck in a crisp oversized button-down shirt and throw a sweater over your shoulders to make your basics look so fresh.

Swap your go to basic black ankle boots for an on trend lace-up pair.

For a laid back weekend look, pair your black jeans with loafers and a wool coat.

The Who, what, and why of Dosa Hassan Blog!

Welcome to my first blog post! Yeey I am so excited to be writing this right now even more excited knowing that YOU are finally reading it! I am Dosa Hassan. I have been wanting to start my own lifestyle blog for about Three years now. It’s something I’m so passionate about and have wanted to do for a long time, but more on that later. For my first blog post i wanted to let you know more about me and what you can expect to see here!

Let me introduce myself… a little about me 

I was born in Nairobi, KENYA, East Africa. I come to Minnesota to live with my dad. Unfortunately, he passed away from cancer in 2014. I remember the last weeks my father was alive. He would have very deep conversations with me. He said to me “life is not easy, just keep going do not give up”. I hope that I make my father happy and proud by becoming the person he wanted me to be. I always enjoy writing which is one reasons i wanted to start blogging! My hope and goal now is to turn my passion of blogging into my full-time business!

What this blog is all about

For my first blog post I want to give you an idea of what you will expect to see here! This space will be a little bit of everything in all things beauty, fashion, and style ideas, all things lifestyle including just daily thoughts and things. My goal for this site is for all my readers to find daily inspiration, useful advice, a new favorite product, and relatable and helpful content. I like to write my content like I’m talking with a best-friend-always keeping it real to the point.

Why blogging?

There are so many reasons in my life that point to blogging. Like I said earlier, I love to write. Being able to share ideas and connect with new people through blogging is so fun and exciting to me. Blogging also allows me to pursue my hobby and passion.

I could go on and on about how passionate and excited for this, but i think you get the point!

Thank you for being here!

Lastly I just wanted to say thank you SO much for just being here and reading my first blog post. I am so grateful for my readers already and I hope you continue to follow along! thanks again, friends!

XO, Dosa Hassan